Fall 2025 Restorative Justice Circle Training
This training is experiential and teaches the basic components of Circle Keeping. We cover both community building, basic processes and developing prompts. By the end of this training, each student should be ready to hold a simple circle on their own in a safe setting. This training will have a specific focus on the Hidden Water model and Keeping Hidden Water circles. All are welcome, but this will be a training more specific to Keeping with Hidden Water.
This training goes deep and while this training is designed for both Hidden Water Keepers in-training and participants coming to learn for their own personal or professional reasons, topics of child sexual abuse or other traumas may come up.
Meeting day: Weekend Training
Start Date: Sept 19, 2025
End Date: Sept 21,2025
Timing: Sept 19:6 - 9pm ET,Sept 20:9am - 6pm ET, Sept 21: 9am - 4pm ET
Facilitator: Ricka Kohnstamm
Location: Virtual -Zoom